Monday, May 9, 2011

Technology and Art Evolution

Digital cinema is the natural evolution of the cinema we have known in the past years, just like 3D movies seem to be the natural evolution of the 2D movies we have experienced so far. Art and technology evolve, whether it is independently or dependently from one another. In this case, it is clear that both art and technology are evolving together. The recent technological advances have given a means for artistic genius to be shown to the world in a proper fashion (relating to the extraordinary world of Avatar created by James Cameron, and more). Previous technology was unable to render justice to Cameron's new world. One might argue that the artistic content of this world was conceived before the technology existed and that this makes the two developments independent of each other, but I believe that technological innovations such as these will spur creative minds to produce different content and explore new possibilities.

The preceding example relates to studios and established film makers. However, the development of such technologies enables creative minds, in general, to share their creations with the world. Software and hardware developments have opened up the industry to casual film makers. Advances in technology have rendered vital materials cheaper to acquire and use. Cinema is an art which, before digitalization, was very sectarian. Technology and art evolving together leads to an evolution cycle constantly improving the content and post-production sector of the cinema industry. 

The big concern for cinemas now should not be if but when these advances in technology will enable cinema-like visualization of films in the privacy and comfort of one's home.

For more info, check out:
Digital Cinema Report:

Movie Credits Finally Gets a Software Solution That It Deserves:

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